Prepare for your first day

It's here! Get ready for your very first day.

The first day of pre-school is a big deal for both parents and children. We want to share our guide with you to make it a success!


General tips for your first day

We parents are sending our kiddos out into the world, trusting others to care for them. Our children are entering a new space where they'll be around other children and new adults. Now, you've thoughtfully chosen the preschool program and believe that its a good fit for your family. But as the big day gets closer, you might be wondering: What if he doesn't want me to go? What if the teachers cant understand what she wants? What if they cry literally all day? What he starts biting other kids!?

You can be more confident and assured of best transition for both you and your child with a bit of preparation for that big first day of child care. Keep in mind, how you do so will depend upon the child's age, temperament, and level of maturity.

  • Trust Your Choices

    Believe in your decision for the right, nurturing child care environment.

  • Connect Early

    Build rapport with caregivers and freely discuss any anxieties before Day 1.

  • Know Your Child

    Discuss your child's temperament and potential reactions with teachers in advance.

  • Plan Your Goodbye

    Work with teachers to create a smooth first-day separation routine.

  • Preview the Space

    Take photos during a prior visit to discuss fun areas with your child at home.

  • Test Run Routines

    Begin new evening and morning schedules at least a week ahead of the first day.

  • Have Your Go-Bag

    Pack and label all essentials the night before; know your preschool's policy on comfort items.

  • Build In Time

    Block off sufficient time on your work calendar for a relaxed, smooth first day.

Group Of Diverse Students At Daycare

Prepare Your Child for the first day of preschool

Just like we as parents have worries, our kids often have their own or intuitively pick up on ours. Following these tips can help put your child at ease and ensure their first day of preschool is successful!

  • Build Excitement

    Discuss teacher names and activities to make the school feel familiar and fun.

  • Gauge Reactions

    Understand that children of different ages will react differently to this new change.

  • Involve Them

    Let your child help in choosing outfits, packing, and selecting comfort items.

  • First Day Rundown

    For toddlers, outline what the first morning will look like in simple terms. For preschoolers, describe the entire first-day plan to set expectations.

  • Lunchbox Love

    For older kids, slip a note in their lunchbox expressing excitement for their day.

  • Keep it Stable

    Maintain a consistent home environment—avoid other major changes at this time.

  • Keep Calm

    Manage your own emotions to send a consistent, positive message to your child.

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Tips for the First Morning

The first morning can be a little crazy. We're trained for that! And with a few of our tips, you can be ready too.

  • Ease into it

    Wake up early to enjoy a relaxed breakfast and review the day's plan. There's no rush! Rushing creates anxiety.

  • Smooth Transition

    Upon arrival, reintroduce your child to their teacher and join with them in an activity they enjoy for a few minutes before leaving.  Be sure to give all necessary instructions both verbally and in writing. 

  • Goodbye Routine

    Create a cheerful and confident goodbye routine with your child and reassure them you'll return at a specified time, like "after story time." Always inform them and the teacher when you're leaving, and exit promptly. Remember, sneaking away can cause trust issues with your child. 

  • Post Drop Off

    Feel free to call for updates. Remember, it's normal for kids to be uneasy at first.

A brighter future is just three steps away.

1. Take a Tour

Come see what makes Promise Kids Academy special.

2. Enroll Your Child

Secure your child's spot in a program that sets them up for life.

3. Rest Easy

Go to work knowing your child is safe, happy, and learning.